How to make the kitchen cozy?

The kitchen is one of the most visited places in any house and apartment, where the family gathers for dinner, food is prepared and sincere conversations are held in the evenings over a cup of aromatic tea. That is why the kitchen should be cozy, comfortable, everyone should feel peace and peace of mind in this place. How to make the kitchen space more comfortable with the help of various interior details and finishes in general?

Furniture selection

In order for such a room to be cozy, it is necessary to competently approach the choice of furniture, because the kitchen comfort directly depends on the environment. First of all, it is worth noting that the furniture in the dining area should be comfortable and soft. On such furniture it will be comfortable not only to eat, but also just to sit at any time.If the room has a fairly large area, then it is quite acceptable to purchase a large table, a full-fledged sofa and soft chairs. For a small kitchen, you will have to choose another option, in the form of a small bar counter and high chairs with soft seats.

In addition to the dining area, comfort in the kitchen is provided by the rest of the furniture. Therefore , you should immediately abandon the massive headset in dark colors, as it will seem gloomy and will only bring melancholy.
It is recommended to get a small rack where cereals and different types of pasta will be stored in transparent jars. Such a rack vaguely resembles the kitchen of a grandmother in the village, and what could be cozier than childhood memories. Also, various small details will help create a favorable atmosphere in the kitchen space , for example, a mobile small cabinet, a compact armchair and an original plant stand.

Selection of curtains

Textiles are always one of the most important components of a cozy interior, especially when it comes to curtains. Since they almost always occupy a central position in the kitchen, they become the object of attention and influence the overall atmosphere. That is why the choice of kitchen textiles for windows should be given special attention.
First of all, you should pay attention to light fabrics of medium length. Curtains that are too long will add a heavy look to the room and will block out sunlight, which has nothing to do with kitchen comfort. But light products made from natural materials will help emphasize the interior and add a touch of coquetry and airiness to the overall design idea. Curtains with floral prints, an unobtrusive light pattern, as well as products in pleasant, soft colors will help add comfort to the room .


The choice of finishing method and suitable materials also play a rather large role in creating a cozy atmosphere in the kitchen. Let's take a closer look at what materials you should pay attention to.

For wall decoration in the kitchen space, it is recommended to use warm-colored materials, whether light or bright colors . Cold tones will give the room more gloom and completely deprive it of an atmosphere of comfort. But warm colors, for example, beige, brown, soft yellow, peach, golden, coffee with milk will act more soothing and peaceful.
Finishing materials should be made from natural, environmentally friendly raw materials, but at the same time resistant to the nuances of the operation of the kitchen. For example, paper wallpapers may not be suitable, since there is a risk that the canvases will simply get wet from a large amount of moisture. Plastic panels are also not suitable, because with frequent exposure to high temperatures, they will quickly lose their original appearance.

There are special requirements for the flooring in the kitchen space. This is due to the fact that during the cooking process, liquid can often be spilled on the floor, sometimes even boiling water, knives or other sharp objects, as well as chemical detergents, can fall. All this can cause some damage to the surface.
Therefore, you should immediately abandon the option with linoleum , since in the conditions of kitchen operation it will not last long. It is also better to put aside the idea of ​​laminate flooring , since it also does not differ in durability under certain conditions. Ceramic floor tiles are perfect , which, if done correctly, will not only look beautiful, but also become a really strong coating. In addition, the tile is quite easy to clean - both with special means and without them.

The choice of materials for finishing the ceiling is also quite large, but the ceiling coating does not affect the comfort in the room so much, so you can consider various options. Both panels and suspended structures with built-in colored lighting are perfect . The advantage of such coatings is that they can be painted with a waterproof composition and, if necessary, washed.
Stretch fabrics are also quite durable and have a good service life, but for more comfort, you should opt for matte ceilings. The thing is that the glossy version may seem more cluttered, as it will reflect the kitchen environment and what is happening outside the window.They will look great and help create a truly soulful atmosphere natural wood ceiling coverings , but often this option can only be applied in rooms with high ceilings, as it reduces part of the space.

Use of textiles
As mentioned earlier, textiles play an important role in creating kitchen comfort. It often happens that even minor fabric details help to competently and harmoniously equip the space. But it is worth noting that the material should be as natural and pleasant to the touch as possible. Textiles can be used as a beautiful tablecloth to complement the dining table.It is necessary to choose such a product in accordance with the size and shape of the table, as well as based on the characteristics of the fabric used. Since the tablecloth will get dirty regularly, care must be taken to ensure that the material can withstand frequent washing and exposure to cleaning products.
Textiles can also be used as napkins, but such kitchen items are not so common nowadays , since disposable paper products are very popular and practical. Textile additions to the kitchen interior can also be presented as beautifully designed cushions for chairs, as well as covers for them. Such elements not only protect the furniture, extending its life, but also allow you to sit more comfortably on the chairs.

The Importance of Lighting

It is equally important when arranging the kitchen space to take into account the location of light sources, their power and decorative design options. It is best that the lighting is not concentrated in the center of the room, but distributed pointwise over the entire surface of the ceiling, especially if the kitchen is divided into zones. For comfort, it is recommended to install small lighting fixtures that fit the overall style of the room so that its interior is complete.
For the dining area , a warm subdued light is suitable, conducive to communication and conducive to relaxation, but in the cooking area, there must be lamps with cold light, since it is brighter and more suitable for any kind of work.

Choosing dishes

Often, beautiful, original and unusual dishes are used as the design of a kitchen set or space as a whole. The most relevant solutions are for boho and patchwork styles, which are used not only in clothing, but also in interior design. Usually, beautiful plates with oriental ornaments, massive glasses made of thick glass, various jars of cereals and spices, as well as plates and mugs located on open hanging shelves are used for such decoration.

Decor options

In order to beautifully decorate a room of such a plan, you need to carefully think over all the details of the design in advance, select the right materials and observe in every measure, then you will be able to create a beautiful, stylish kitchen with a dining space or, for example, a seating area. As a decor, decorative curtains can be used, which are not intended for windows, but for dividing the space into zones. Such products most often consist of beads, beads, dense ropes or thin chains.
An interesting kitchen decor idea is to use rugs in the dining area . Such an element looks very original and homely, so it will easily help to add a drop of comfort to the room. But you need to be careful, because such details must be selected in accordance with the style of the overall design. Also, original shades for chandeliers, interesting coasters for dishes, unusual furniture attributes and flowers can be used as decor.